Type of Data Collected
- Email addresses
- Names
- Phone numbers
- Web addresses
- Addresses (supplier and client)
- Photograph from client projects, client employees (meet the team)
- Client data: employees and third-party data (clients, suppliers, sub-contractors and freelancers)
- Website analytics
- Email marketing analytics
- Media contacts
- Client confidential access information/ logins
How Little B Collect Data
The data collected by Little B Marketing is collated on behalf of clients to fulfil a range of marketing services. Data is generally collected by the
following methods:
- Client website contact forms - forms must feature a tick box with an opt in box for email marketing.
- Client Google analytics and ad accounts - only geographical data and user behaviour is recorded when users accept cookies.
- Client social media pages and advertising.
- Clients share data with Little B to fulfil the marketing service. It is the client’s responsibility to ensure the data they supply is GDPR compliant.
- Little B’s own website form and cookies.
- Little B’s own social media platforms.
- Internet searches related to client and business activities.
- GDPR B2B marketing database suppliers (collected and processed on behalf of clients).
- Third party media distributions sites for press releases.
How Little B Process Data
Little B collects, uses, and stores data on behalf of clients.
Client data is used by Little B to fulfil the clients own marketing activities, such as email marketing, advertising on social media, Google ads and analytics.
Client’s own staff, supplier, and client data (photos and contact information) is used to fulfil tasks agreed by the client such as: feedback on services; to acquire information for case studies; blogs; general business activity; update websites with employee information that is often found on Meet the Team pages.
Little B controls and manages client CRMs hosted by Mail Chimp, Hub Spot or Campaign Monitor.
Client CRMs collect data from their own website contact forms.
Client CRMs sometimes utilise opt-in lists supplied by third party GDPR compliant email marketing suppliers, such as Email Movers.
Client confidential access information/ logins are used to access websites, social media accounts and other secure online portals
Client data collected is not shared between Little B’s other clients or third parties, unless it is required to resolve a technical issue, such as a website.
While Little B collects, processes and stores data responsibly, it is the client’s duty to ensure all data used on their behalf is GDPR compliant.
Storage and Access
Each client has their own CRM portal to ensure logins remain private.
Client CRMs are backed up to Little B’s own cloud-based server with a secure login.
Client confidential access and logins are privately stored with password protection.
Emails are stored via a personal and secure email platform.
All computer systems with access to data are stored in a secure residence with CCTV in operation.
Your Right to Opt Out
Please email camilla@littlebmarketing regarding any of the following;
You believe that Little B has access to your personal data and you wish to have it permanently removed from our files
or you would like to access the information we hold.
If there is something that we have not covered in the Privacy Policy that you would like to discuss in more details.